Team Member Spotlight – Terranny Mclean

Meet Terranny Mclean!

Terranny is a Clinical Service Specialist who joined our team earlier this year. She was recently recognized by one of our Infusion Specialists, Gene Odom, who describes her as a “shining light” for him and for the patients. Terranny has had a positive impact on both the patients in the Dallas Clinic and the team there.
Gene shared that one of the patients in Dallas describes Terranny as the “young lady at the front desk who is just so sparkling”. The story goes a bit deeper. In Gene’s role, he is in constant contact with our referring providers and our partners in the community. He has a doctor’s office that from time to time has been known to be a bit challenging. The Office Manager there shared with Gene that they were reluctant to make referrals because we had removed a particular drug from our formulary. But just a couple of weeks ago, this Office Manager pulled Gene aside to tell the story of her mother who is a patient at our Dallas Clinic, and about Terranny, who has made all the difference in her experience. In fact, she describes Terranny as having a smile that warms her mother’s heart and calms her fears. She attends treatments with her mom and has seen Terranny’s stellar customer service skills in action.

Terranny grew up in Tennessee and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University. Her bachelor’s degree is in Political Science with a Pre-Law concentration. She is a member of Delta Sigma Theta sorority. She began her career in the legal profession as a legal assistant. After years of time in this arena, she decided it was time for a change and a new challenge. Terranny packed up her belongings and moved to Texas. She left the legal profession and moved into healthcare and found her new home with Vivo. Infusion was totally new to her.

Terranny prioritizes her day by always putting the patient first. After this, she completes the many other tasks she has as a CSS. She is passionate about working with people and points to her great teammates, Malia and Mary. Terranny acknowledges the work can be demanding. She shares that many times, patients come in and they are upset because they really don’t want to be there, but you can’t take that personally. Terranny reflects that if she were in the same position, she would probably feel that way too. She thinks it is important to make people feel comfortable and cared for; she is quick to lighten things up with a joke and to smile and laugh with others.

Her advice is to be patient with people. She says, “Don’t take things personally. Patients have a million other things going on. You never really know what’s going on with them.” Terranny acknowledges she is pretty introverted and usually stays to herself. But at work, she shines, and you would never know she is introverted at heart. Her positive impact on patients and caring touch is why we are shining a spotlight on her. Thank you Terranny and Dallas Team for all that you do!