There are more than 100 different types of arthritis — and while they all affect the joints, they have different causes, risk factors, and affect each person differently. One of the most common types is gout, which is caused by excess uric acid in the bloodstream. It typically occurs in the feet — mostly affecting the base of the big toe. It’s more likely to affect men and post-menopausal women — as well as people with diabetes, poor kidney function, and other underlying health conditions. Gout has no cure, but can be managed with medication. However, for some patients, oral medications have not provided the expected relief. When that occurs, hydration therapy provides a safer alternative.
Symptoms of gout can come and go. When you experience a long period of time without any discomfort, you are in remission. However, when the condition is chronic, it can lead to more severe arthritis. Symptoms of gout include:
Intense pain
Swelling of the joint
The skin feels warm to the touch
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