Meet Rusty Oesch!
Rusty is part of our Accounting Team and works from the corporate office in Lakewood, Colorado. Rusty is the person who reaches out to you with gentle reminders if you have not yet coded your expenses in Divvy (now called, Bill). That is just one small part of his job. His nickname, The Commish, is one of many, but it speaks to the fact that he has been coordinating the Vivo Fantasy Football league and lends his creative energy to providing updates to the group of participants.
Rusty spent his childhood moving around because his dad was in the military. Some of that time in his early years was in Colorado, eventually he moved to Alaska, later made his way to Las Vegas where he started a career in accounting, and then ultimately landed back in Colorado. He spent time working with a marketing company before Vivo. He found his way to Vivo courtesy of a nudge from his wife, Lori, and an introduction from a recruiter. The recruiter told him about two different opportunities. Rusty was focused on finding an employer and a team that he could call home and the right fit was crucial. The rest is history.
Some of Rusty’s experience includes working for the major casino operators in Vegas. It was when he was with the Las Vegas Hilton that he had a manager who made him feel truly valued – Pat Tarsi – who has become Rusty’s mentor. The Las Vegas Hilton is also where he met his wife, Lori, who was also working in the accounting department. Pat encouraged Rusty to go back to college to finish his degree. Interestingly, Rusty never set out for a career in accounting. He found his way to it by a fluke. Rusty was pursuing a career in teaching, wanted to teach high schoolers, and was working evenings in a grocery. After experiencing an injury, he took the State of Alaska’s assessment test that identified his natural skill and career fit for accounting. Rusty professes that he hates math!
Many of Rusty’s friends in Alaska were skeptical about his decision to move to Vegas. They told him he wouldn’t be able to find a job. He proved them wrong. Rusty worked his way up into management roles and was responsible for five different slices of accounting at the casinos. He managed 18 direct reports and a very large team. Rusty says, “It’s easy to give maximum effort when you enjoy what you do and who you do it with.” Rusty gives maximum energy to his work endeavors, brings fun to the team in Colorado and has found his home with us.
Andrea Nale, our Sr. Accounting Manager, says, “Rusty’s exceptional talent, contagious sense of humor, and outstanding work ethic makes him an invaluable asset to our Vivo team. His ability to bring laughter to the workplace while delivering outstanding results truly sets him apart. I want to thank Rusty for being such a remarkable and enjoyable colleague.”
Some fun facts about Rusty include:
- He is a huge Parrot Head. For those of you not familiar with the term, it means he is a BIG Jimmy Buffet fan.
- Even though he spent his childhood in Denver, he is not a Broncos fan. Rusty is a die-hard Raiders fan.
- Rusty creates weekly themes for fantasy football to drive engagement each week. These have ranged from the Vegas Casinos, to the Hunger Games
- Districts, to the Thanksgiving Day meal. “Everyone knows the stuffing is the star of the show!”
- Rusty’s advice to others, “Enjoy what you do. If you view work as tasks, you’re not going to enjoy yourself. I am serious about what I do, but you have got to have some fun.” Rusty is proof of working hard, delivering the best quality, and having fun along the way.
Thank you for being Vivo’s Commish and for being such a standout for us. We are glad you found a home in Vivo.