Kidney Transplant
Although the concept of surgery is scary, undergoing a kidney transplant when you have a chronic renal condition will significantly improve your quality of life. It removes dietary restrictions, reduces treatment costs, and improves your risk of surviving and having a relatively normal life. However, as with all surgeries, kidney transplants come with risks. Therefore, you’ll have to stay hospitalized for several days after a kidney transplant. This is done to allow your surgeon and nurses to monitor you closely in case of complications.
You’ll feel soreness around the site of the incision during this time. Once you’re released from the hospital, you’ll have to return several times a week for blood testing. You’ll be able to return to your normal life within eight weeks after surgery. However, you will need to take medications — known as immunosuppressants — for the rest of your life. This is because the immune system contains proteins called the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) — which regulate how your body reacts to foreign substances. It’s possible for your immune system to develop antibodies to fight off the HLA from the new kidney. Left untreated, it could result in organ failure. This is when infusion therapy can help.
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